Delivering on our vision to become the Nation’s #1 Mission Critical Partner

Feb 10, 2025

GMT’s House of Strategy includes four Strategic Pillars delivering on our vision to become the Nation’s #1 Mission Critical Partner Delighting Customers with Perfect Parts on Time.

1. Rapid, Profitable & Diversified Growth

2. Continuous Improvement and Cost Management

3. Talent & Culture

4. Operations Capability and Execution

Executing on this plan, GMT has successfully undergone a 50,000+ square foot expansion incorporating additional parts production cells, assembly, blast, and paint.

We are excited to have in-house blast and paint. Production and assembly are up and running. Our blast and paint will be fully operational in January. Vertical integrated through blast and paint will enable GMT to streamline operations, shorten production lead-times, reduce supplier disruptions, improve overall quality and provide increased customer value.